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Successful Soulwinning: Scriptures on Salvation Steps of. Salvation. 1. State Of Sinners “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. We've collected Bible Verses about Soul Winning. As you read through these scriptures,be encouraged to pray stronger & trust the Holy Spirit. Ask God to show you the importance of being a winner of souls! Soul Winning is a major key to our "Revival and Survival" as the Church! As I read these verses Let me quickly share with you what the Holy Bible reads. It reads “for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” and “for the wages of sin is SCRIPTURE F O R MEDITATION ! Eze k . xxxiii,. 1- 11. ! Y the Master's final words to his disciples the obligation is laid upon every Christian to be a soul. WARNING CONCERNING SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION -. Memorize all scriptures directly from the King James Bible and not from the quotes given in the textbook.
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